Revolutionise your career: The latest CV trends of 2023

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Revolutionise your career: The latest CV trends of 2023

Adapting to the shifting job market and recruitment practices


CV formats have undergone some notable changes in recent years due to advancements in technology, changes in recruitment practices, and shifting trends in the job market.

Several areas and trends have become prevalent in designing and presenting CVs to ensure maximum effect:


Digital and Online CVs

With the increasing prevalence of online job applications and applicant tracking systems (ATS), digital and PDF formats of CVs have gained popularity. Job seekers are now tailoring their CVs to be easily readable by ATS software, which often scans and filters the file before they reach human recruiters.

Visual Elements

Some job seekers incorporate visual elements into them to make them more eye-catching and memorable. This might include using infographic-style representations of skills or achievements, icons, or subtle colour accents.

LinkedIn and Online Profiles

As LinkedIn has become a crucial platform for professional networking and job searches, many job seekers focus on creating a strong LinkedIn profile that showcased their skills, experiences, and recommendations and then including links to these profiles on their CVs.

Skills-Based CVs

In addition to traditional chronological standardised order, skills-based CVs have now gained more popularity. This format emphasises on the applicant's relevant skills and accomplishments, rather than just focusing on their job history.

Summary or Profile Section

More CVs are now including a summary or profile section at the beginning, offering a brief overview of the candidate's key strengths and career objectives. Whilst more and more job seekers are leaving off location and address details, it can be very useful in this section to outline location requirements, to include commutability and work from home requirements.

Customisation for Each Application

Job seekers recognise the importance of tailoring their CVs for each job application. Customisation involves highlighting specific skills and experiences that align with the requirements of the target position and company mission and vision statements.

Remote Work and Flexibility

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work and flexibility have become more prevalent. CVs have started to emphasise skills like remote collaboration, adaptability, and proficiency with virtual communication tools.

Emphasis on Soft Skills

Besides technical qualifications, employers now really value soft skills, such as communication, leadership, problem-solving, and teamwork. Highlighting these skills in CVs can really help to ensure you stand out in a crowded space.

Focus on Achievements and Results

Rather than listing just job duties, CVs now emphasise achievements and quantifiable results. Accomplishments should be presented with specific metrics and outcomes to demonstrate the candidate's impact.

Conciseness and Clarity

CVs increasingly aim for concise and clear presentation, with bullet points used to present information in an easily scannable format.


It is important to note that CV formats can continue to evolve as the job market, recruitment practices, and technology change. To stay current, job seekers should keep an eye on the latest trends in CV formatting and tailor their applications accordingly. The best ‘rule of thumb’ in today’s market is to present the information clearly, with a keen focus on skills and achievements rather than just listing a ‘role profile’ under each job. Think about what the organisation is looking for and ensure that all the questions that a potential employer would ask, are outlined, and answered on the CV.