the future of advising customers


Predicting the future can be a tricky business, after all, covid hit us like a train and changed the path of life and work for many of us across the Globe. In fact, the post-covid world has dramatically affected the future of the customer service industry, but many of the trends we were already experiencing in a response to technological advancements and evolving customer expectations. So, what does the ‘Advisor of the Future’ look like and how will this affect the future of the industry and the people who work within in? 

A few potential future predictions on what the world of customer service may look like and focus on in the next 5 years:  

AI-Powered Assistance: AI and machine learning technologies will continue to play a significant role in customer service. AI chatbots and virtual assistants will become even more sophisticated, allowing CS Advisors to offload routine inquiries to these systems. This will free up human advisors to focus on more complex and value-added tasks. 

Personalisation: CS Advisors will have access to more data and advanced analytics tools. This will enable them to provide highly personalised recommendations and solutions to customers. Advisors may use predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and offer proactive assistance. 

Omni-channel Service: Customers will expect seamless service across multiple channels, including web, mobile apps, social media, and traditional phone support. CS Advisors will need to be proficient in managing customer interactions across these channels and ensuring consistency. 

Remote Work: The trend of remote work is likely to continue, allowing CS Advisors to work from different locations. This can provide flexibility and access to a wider talent pool, but it also poses challenges in terms of maintaining team cohesion and security. 

Cybersecurity: With the increasing number of cyber threats and data breaches, CS Advisors will need to prioritise cybersecurity. They will play a crucial role in educating customers about security best practices and responding to security incidents. 

Evolving Skill Sets: The skill sets required for CS Advisors may change. They will need to be tech-savvy, adaptable to new technologies, and possess strong communication and problem-solving skills. Continuous training and education will be essential. 

In summary, CS Advisors are likely to see significant changes in how they serve customers over the next five years. Technology will continue to drive transformation, and advisors will need to adapt to new tools, regulations, and customer expectations to provide effective and personalised service.  It’s clear that the ‘Advisor of the Future’ will need to be tech savvy, well trained, able to deliver multiple interactions across a number of platforms and become a highly effective customer solutions expert as customer expectations continue to be at the top of the agenda in the fight for competitive advantage. 

In response to these demanding set of skills, organisations must embrace change across their CS estate.  They must recognise the importance and value of their frontline advisors. They must recruit with these skills and demands in mind.  They must train, coach, and empower their teams to enable them to utilise technology whilst ensuring the most complex of customer interactions are still effectively dealt with and solved by a human. And finally, they MUST offer renumeration and benefits in line with the expectations of the role. The industry will no longer require the huge volumes of frontline advisors, instead they must focus on building teams of complex problem solvers and effective communicators who can act quickly and decisively and are empowered and enabled to solve ANY customer query. 


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