top 5 methods for answering interview questions


In the pursuit of professional success, mastering the art of responding to interview queries becomes a crucial skill. This journey is marked by various techniques, and in this discussion, we will focus on the top five methods that not only provide structure to your responses but also showcase your capabilities in the best possible light.

  1. STAR method:
  • Situation: Describe the context or situation.
  • Task: Explain the task or challenge you faced.
  • Action: Detail the actions you took to address the situation.
  • Result: Share the outcomes or results of your actions.

When to use: Ideal for behavioural questions that ask about past experiences, challenges, and accomplishments.

Why: Provides a structured way to present your response, focusing on the Situation, Task, Action, and Result.

  1. PAR method (alternative for STAR):
  • Problem: Outline the problem or challenge you encountered.
  • Action: Describe the actions you took to address the problem.
  • Result: Discuss the positive outcomes and results of your actions.

When to use: Suitable for questions that inquire about problem-solving and your ability to address challenges.

Why: Emphasises the Problem, Action, and Result components, ensuring a clear and concise response.

  1. CAR method (alternative for STAR):
  • Challenge: Present the challenge you faced.
  • Action: Explain the specific actions you took to address the challenge.
  • Result: Highlight the positive results or impact of your actions.

When to use: Appropriate for questions that ask about challenges, achievements, or specific actions taken.

Why: Similar to PAR, with a focus on Challenge, Action, and Result, allowing you to showcase your problem-solving skills.

*The difference between PAR and CAR methods- The primary difference lies in the terminology used for the second element. CAR uses "Action," focusing on the specific actions taken, while PAR provides the option of using "Action" or "Approach," allowing for a broader perspective that includes the thought process or strategy behind your actions.

  1. PEA method:
  • Point: State a clear point or main idea.
  • Evidence: Provide evidence or examples to support your point.
  • Application: Relate your point and evidence to the specific situation or question.

When to use: Effective for general questions or those requiring you to make a point and provide supporting evidence.

Why: Helps structure your answer by stating a Point, providing Evidence, and linking it to the Application or relevance to the question.

  1. Problem-Solution-Benefit (PSB) approach:
  • Problem: Identify the problem or challenge.
  • Solution: Present your solution or actions taken.
  • Benefit: Discuss the positive outcomes or benefits of your solution.

When to use: Suitable for questions that involve overcoming challenges or proposing solutions.

Why: Clearly outlines the Problem, Solution, and the resulting Benefits of your actions.

By incorporating these strategies into your interview preparation, you not only enhance your communication skills but also present yourself as a candidate who is not just qualified but also adept at showcasing their strengths and experiences in a compelling manner. So, as you step into your next interview, armed with these methods, may your responses resonate with confidence, clarity, and a touch of individuality. Good luck!


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